Corporate Wellness and Events

I can collaborate with you to develop a customised well-being program or workshop aimed at rejuvenating and rewarding your team. Businesses increasingly recognise the value of workplace wellness sessions in reducing stress and enhancing mental wellbeing, which ultimately boosts confidence and productivity. Whether as an ongoing service or a one-time stress-relief day, I tailor sessions to suit your needs.

In each workshop, my goal is to convey the transformative benefits of meditation and holistic coaching, empowering individuals and teams to rediscover inner peace, ignite their inherent power, and thrive in all aspects of life and work.

Our Services

  • Breathwork Sessions

    Enhance corporate well-being with our rejuvenating breathwork sessions, designed to improve respiratory health and reduce stress.

  • Discovering Patterns and Limiting Beliefs

    Help your employees uncover and overcome limiting beliefs and patterns that impede their growth.

    Our sessions provide the insights and strategies needed for personal and professional development.

  • Women’s Empowerment Circles

    Create a supportive environment with our Women’s Circles, incorporating meditation and tantra yoga.

    These circles foster connection, empowerment, and personal growth while enhancing physical well-being and mental clarity.

  • Boosting Workplace Focus

    Revitalise your team's focus and productivity and address burnout—a prevalent issue that affects employee potential and workplace performance—through targeted sessions designed to enhance overall harmony.

    Our comprehensive range of mindfulness exercises will help restore balance and concentration, creating a more productive and cohesive work environment.


  • We offer a variety of programs online or in person - including breathwork sessions, women's empowerment circles, meditation, and tantra yoga workshops.

    These can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your organisation.

  • Corporate wellness programs can reduce stress, enhance mental well-being, boost employee engagement, improve productivity, and lower absenteeism. They also contribute to creating a more supportive and positive work environment.

  • Yes, we can create tailored wellness programs and workshops to fit your company's unique requirements. We also offer online workshops and meditations to accommodate remote or hybrid work environments

  • Our workshops typically range from one-hour sessions to half-day and full-day events, depending on your company’s needs and objectives.

  • You can get started by contacting us through our website or via email. We will schedule an initial consultation to discuss your company’s needs and create a customized program for you.

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